Sunday, December 25, 2011

J Has Agreed, for My Mother, to

let me lie to her this once, and say he's sick
so we can't go.
This way I don't have to tell her about us on Christmas.
Oh, thank God. Thank you, God.

PS Any and all advice still welcome.

Also my e-mail is


  1. Oh, dear one. There is no advice on something like this. Just don't isolate. Go to your meetings.
    PS- I know you love J. but I think it awfully shitty and selfish of him to bring up divorce just before Christmas. One day you will see it too. You will. Don't be nice to home any more. Be nice to Lynn.

    OK, I had advice after all.

  2. Thank you, Dear One.
    I think he had to bring it up based on our conversation -
    and it is more comfortable for me if we are each decent; I can only make sure I am.
    But I *LOVE* that you came here and shared with me. Thank you SO MUCH!
    Thank you!
    Thank you!
    I love you, Birdie.
    I am not alone
    Thank you.
    I will keep you and your intentions in my prayers.
    And I *will* be nice to myself.
    I will really try.
    Thank you!

  3. That was don't be nice to *him* anymore, be nice to Lynn. (I have been sick with a bad cold!)
